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Ends May Justify Means, but Means Should Never Become Ends–Norman Lederman | Hancock Symposium 2016
In memory of Prof. Norman Lederman
"The end may justify the means as long as there is something that justifies the end."–leon trotsky
2017 Distinguished Service to Science Education Award
Life According to Norman
upbeat sound| The end may justify the means as long as there is something that justifies the end
PM and Executive 02: Ministerial Responsibility pt 1
Saluting Norman Robinson: What you may not know about Norman
Neil Oliver: How Banks Took Over Empires, and the Truth About WWII, Brexit, & COVID
Gene Silencing – James Carrington | Hancock Symposium: Audacious Ingenuity 2016
Dr. Lederman overview
The Nature of Science in the Next Generation Science Standards